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Ratchet amp; Clank: Rift Apart Review: A Next Generation Gaming Experience

Ratchet amp; Clank: Rift Apart Review: A Next Generation Gaming Experience

  • Added Date: June 20, 2021
  • Author: Game Review Agent


The Ratchet amp; Clank series has had a special place in the hearts of PlayStation players for years. This time, Insomniac Games takes us on a brand new adventure with its new game Ratchet amp; Clank: Rift Apart, developed specifically for PlayStation 5. In this review, we will discuss this new generation gaming experience and the features the game offers in detail.

Graphics and Visual Quality

First of all, it is impossible not to admire the graphics and visual quality of Ratchet amp; Clank: Rift Apart. Thanks to the high-end graphics technology used in the game, an impressive world is presented that reveals every detail. Both the animations of the characters and the environmental designs have extraordinary detail. By making full use of the power of PlayStation 5, it gives players a real cinematic experience. Each of the different planets you encounter throughout the game are eye-catchingly designed and colored.

The most striking feature of the game is the fast transitions and the mechanics of going to different dimensions. Ratchet amp; Clank: Rift Apart uses this mechanic in an extraordinary way, offering the opportunity to move to different dimensions without interrupting the flow of the game. This feature allows players to explore instantly changing environments.

Gameplay and Story

Fans of the Ratchet amp; Clank series know very well that the game has excellent gameplay. Rift Apart continues this tradition and improves the gameplay even further. Weapon options have been expanded and further improved. In addition, Rift Apart's new character, Rivet, adds a difference to the gameplay of the game. Rivet's collaboration with Ratchet makes the flow of the game more interesting.

The story of the game is really fluent and interesting. This time, Rivet, the rebellion leader who accompanies Ratchet and Clank, is the villain Dr. He fights against Nefarious. The story is full of gripping scenes and unforgettable characters. There is also the opportunity to make new friends and explore different worlds in the game.

Game Duration and Side Missions

Ratchet amp; Clank: Rift Apart has a story mode that lasts approximately 10-15 hours. This is the amount of time an average player needs to spend to complete the main arc of the story. However, the game has many side quests and secret items. The duration of the game may be longer for players who want to complete these side missions. So, it may take more than 20 hours to complete the game completely.

Side missions enrich the gaming experience by offering players different rewards and weapon upgrades. Additionally, each side quest reveals details that contribute to deepening the story.

Multiplayer Mode and Additional Content

Ratchet amp; Clank: Rift Apart also has a multiplayer mode. This multiplayer mode allows players to compete and challenge each other online. In this mode, there is the option to play with different characters and players can test their skills against other players.

Additionally, the game also includes downloadable content and additional packages. These additional contents add new weapons, costumes and new maps to the game world. This increases the replayability value of the game and offers players a new experience.


Overall, Ratchet amp; Clank: Rift Apart is a successful production that offers a new generation gaming experience. It manages to impress both fans and new players with its graphics, visual quality, gameplay and story. The duration of the game is satisfying and the side missions add additional richness. With its multiplayer mode and additional content, replaying the game offers a fun experience.

Overall Score:

Graphics and Visual Quality Gameplay Story Game Time Multiplayer Mode and Additional Content Total Score 9/10 9/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8.4/10

The above scoring reflects the overall success of the game. Ratchet amp; Clank: Rift Apart is one of the must-experience games for PlayStation 5 owners.

Ratchet amp; Clank: Rift Apart is an exciting video game released for PlayStation 5. In this game, we embark on a unique adventure with the iconic characters of the series, Ratchet and Clank. Developed by Insomniac Games, this game takes place in a world full of new weapons, gadgets and abilities and offers players a unique experience.

Graphics and Sound Effects

Ratchet amp; Clank: Rift Apart offers a visually stunning game by making full use of the power of PlayStation 5. The details of the worlds and modeling of the characters in the game are truly impressive. Colorful and vibrant environments draw players into this fantasy universe.

Sound effects also strengthen the atmosphere of the game. The voices of the characters, environmental sounds and music are brought together perfectly. The sensory experience of the game is truly commendable.

Story and Characters

The story of Ratchet amp; Clank: Rift Apart is quite interesting and impressive. The game focuses on a conflict between parallel universes. Ratchet and Clank, the evil Dr. They come together once again to save the worlds where Nefarious has created chaos.

Characters are at the heart of the game. Ratchet's ambitious and brave personality, Clank's intelligence and funny dialogues add a different color to the game. In addition, other side characters play important roles that affect the course of the story.


Ratchet amp; Clank: Rift Apart offers fun and fluid gameplay. Players fight enemies and solve puzzles using different weapons and gadgets. The game also has an ability called Rift Tether. Thanks to this ability, players can switch between different universes and experience adventures in different environments.

Pros Cons
  • great graphics
  • impressive story
  • Various weapons and abilities
  • Fun gameplay
  • It could take a little longer
  • There could be more options in the weapon upgrade system


Ratchet amp; Clank: Rift Apart is a game not to be missed for PlayStation 5 owners. Great graphics, exciting story and fun gameplay make this game unique. New weapons, gadgets and abilities add depth to the game, while a variety of characters invite players to get lost in the magical universe. Although there are some shortcomings, overall Ratchet amp; Clank: Rift Apart is a successful work that offers a new generation gaming experience.

Ratchet amp; Clank: Rift Apart is one of the most exciting games released recently exclusively for PlayStation 5. This production offers a true next-generation gaming experience, offering an adventure full of extraordinary graphics and visual effects. In this review, we will discuss the main features and gameplay experience of Ratchet amp; Clank: Rift Apart in detail.

Great Graphics and Visual Effects

Ratchet amp; Clank: Rift Apart is an absolutely visually stunning game. Using the power of PlayStation 5 to the fullest, this production offers a realistic world thanks to an advanced graphics engine and multi-ray tracing technology. Each scene of the play attracts attention to detail and draws the players into it.

In addition, the visual effects that Ratchet amp; Clank: Rift Apart uses extensively take the gaming experience one step further. Features such as explosions, lighting effects and even time stopping allow players to fully immerse themselves in the game world. The effects used especially in mechanics such as fast transitions and dimension jumping increase the excitement of the game.

Next Generation Gaming Experience

Ratchet amp; Clank: Rift Apart takes full advantage of features offered by PlayStation 5, such as fast loading times and SSD technology. Players can instantly switch between worlds and enjoy a seamless flow of the game. These fast loading times make the gaming experience smoother than ever.

Additionally, the advanced features of the DualSense controller also provide an impressive experience in the game. The controller provides players with realistic feedback, allowing them to interact with the game world more carefully. For example, during gun shots and clashes in the game, the controller vibrates, making you feel as if you are using a real gun.

Depth of Gameplay

Ratchet amp; Clank: Rift Apart offers a very satisfying experience not only visually but also in terms of gameplay. Players can choose between different weapons and abilities and advance strategically to defeat their enemies. These options increase the replayability of the game and ensure that players have an experience that suits different play styles.

In addition, Ratchet amp; Clank: Rift Apart constantly drags players into an adventure full of surprises with the exploration of different dimensions and the events that occur in these dimensions. The ability to change the environment by moving through different dimensions allows solving puzzles and accessing new areas. This ensures that players are constantly excited and curious as the game progresses.

Pros Cons Genius graphics Some camera angle issues Great visual effects Some repetitive missions Fast loading times Very challenging boss battles

As a result, Ratchet amp; Clank: Rift Apart stands out as a true next-gen game with its outstanding graphics, impressive visual effects and deep gaming experience. Those who play this game will encounter a production that pushes the limits of the technology and game development capabilities offered by PlayStation 5. Ratchet amp; Clank: Rift Apart, an experience not to be missed for Ratchet amp; Clank fans, looks set to make a big impact on the gaming world.

Ratchet amp; Clank: Rift Apart is a platformer game developed by Insomniac Games and released exclusively for PlayStation 5. This game follows the adventures of Ratchet and his loyal robot friend Clank, offering players a first-class gaming experience. Here is a detailed review.

Visual and Sound Quality

Ratchet amp; Clank: Rift Apart dazzles with its graphics and sound effects. It offers players a realistic and colorful world by making best use of the power of PlayStation 5. The details of the characters, environmental designs and animations have been prepared with great care. The various landscapes and atmospheres on the different planets you visit in the game are so detailed and impressive that they will dazzle your eyes.

The game also performs excellently on the audio side. The voices and dialogues of the characters are quite successful. The music is well chosen to complement the atmosphere of the game and used in a way that supports the plot.

Gameplay Experience

The gameplay of Ratchet amp; Clank: Rift Apart is very fluid and fun. While fighting against your enemies with different weapons, you can make fast and dynamic movements thanks to your maneuverability. The most striking feature of the game is the size changing mechanic. Rift Apart offers players the opportunity to travel to and from different dimensions. Thanks to this feature, you can solve puzzles or gain an advantage during conflict by switching between platforms in different sizes. This mechanic made the game stand out from an ordinary platformer game.

Various weapons and abilities in the game further enrich the gameplay. Each weapon has a different feature and power. You can make these weapons even more effective by improving them. You can also glide through the air or travel long distances by using the jet pack on Clank's arms. The game allows you to personalize the gameplay by offering many different options.

Story and Characters

The story of Ratchet amp; Clank: Rift Apart is quite interesting and immersive. The game tells about an adventure in which Ratchet and Clank get lost between dimensions. The development of the characters and their relationships add depth to the game's story. As you meet new characters, you can learn more about the backgrounds of existing characters. Surprise-filled events and twists keep the story exciting and interesting.

The dialogues of the characters in the game are quite entertaining and funny. The well-written sense of humor adds an enjoyable atmosphere to the game. The personalities and roles of the other characters Ratchet and Clank encounter throughout their adventures are also well designed.


Ratchet amp; Clank: Rift Apart stands out as a game that offers a first-class platformer experience. This game, which successfully combines visual and sound quality, gameplay experience, story and characters, has become an indispensable game option for PlayStation 5 users. Playing this game, which is an excellent work both visually and mechanically, is a great opportunity to enjoy the next generation gaming experience.

The Ratchet amp; Clank series has long been one of gamers' favorite platform games. The game, which was first released in 2002, has gained a wide fan base with its adventurous story and entertaining gameplay. Finally, it makes a great comeback to PlayStation 5 with Ratchet amp; Clank: Rift Apart. In this review, we will discuss the new game of the Ratchet amp; Clank series in detail.

Graphics and Sound Quality

Ratchet amp; Clank: Rift Apart offers a magnificent visual experience by making full use of the power of PlayStation 5. The graphics of the game are designed realistically and in detail, and the colors are vivid and eye-catching. The created world creates an atmosphere that draws players in. You will discover visually stunning landscapes, especially thanks to the mechanics traveling to different dimensions.

Sound design is also one of the successful elements of the game. While playing with great music, the voices of the characters and environmental sounds create a feeling of realism. In this way, it allows you to fully dive into the atmosphere of the game.

Story and Characters

Ratchet amp; Clank: Rift Apart offers an impressive story while staying true to the previous games of the series. This time, Ratchet and his robot friend Clank, Dr. He embarks on an adventure once again to foil Nefarious' plans. But this time they have to go on an interdimensional journey.

The story is full of interesting characters and surprising moments. In addition to the main characters, new characters are also included in the game and are enriched with detailed background stories. The interactions and humorous dialogues between the characters are also one of the enjoyable aspects of the game.

Gameplay and Mechanics

Ratchet amp; Clank: Rift Apart continues to stay true to the fun gameplay mechanics of other games in the series. The ability to switch between different travelable dimensions takes the game one step forward. In this way, you have to benefit from the features of different dimensions while solving various puzzles and fighting enemies.

There is a wide world to explore in the game and each chapter offers different gameplay experiences. You can experience powerful clashes with the ammunition you collect to upgrade and improve your weapons. Different types of enemies in the game will also present you with various challenges.

New Generation Experience

Ratchet amp; Clank: Rift Apart offers players a next-generation experience by taking full advantage of the power of PlayStation 5. The loading times of the game are almost negligible and the visual quality is felt in every detail. Especially 3D sound technology allows you to dive deeper into the atmosphere of the game.

You can also have an impressive experience in the game with the adaptive triggers and haptic feedback features offered by PlayStation 5's DualSense controller. Thanks to these features, it makes the game world more livable and appeals to the players' senses.


Ratchet amp; Clank: Rift Apart offers a great gaming experience that will delight fans of the series and fascinate new players. The game, which is visually and auditorily impressive, can be played for a long time with its fluent story, rich characters and entertaining gameplay mechanics. I can say that it is a masterpiece that should not be missed for PlayStation 5 owners.

Pros Cons Visual and sound quality No obvious shortcomings Meticulous story and characters Fun gameplay mechanics New generation experience
  • Graphics: 10/10
  • Sound: 9/10
  • Story: 9/10
  • Gameplay: 9/10
  • Long-Term Playability: 9/10

Overall Rating: 9.2/10

Ratchet amp; Clank: Rift Apart will offer gamers an unforgettable experience and is one of the games that everyone who switches to PlayStation 5 should have in their library. If you are looking for an adventurous platform game, Ratchet amp; Clank: Rift Apart is for you!

Ratchet amp; Clank: Rift Apart is an action-adventure video game developed by Insomniac Games and released by Sony Interactive Entertainment for PlayStation 5. This game offers players an incredible world by offering superior graphic quality and interactive gaming experience provided by next-generation technologies.

The Magnificence of New Generation Technologies

Ratchet amp; Clank: Rift Apart delivers an extraordinary visual experience that takes full advantage of the power of PlayStation 5. The game creates a realistic and detailed world using next-generation technologies such as 4K graphics support, HDR and Ray Tracing. Players encounter an atmosphere so impressive that they will get lost in the details of each scene.

One of the most interesting features of the game is its fast loading times. Thanks to PlayStation 5's special SSD, you won't be stuck with loading screens or delays as you quickly enter the game world. This keeps the game flowing smoothly and creates an opportunity for players to really dive in.

An Incredible Gaming Experience

Ratchet amp; Clank: Rift Apart offers an impressive experience not only visually, but also in terms of gameplay mechanics and storytelling. Players explore the story in an interactive way, joining the adventures of Ratchet, Clank and new characters. Each character has different abilities, making the game rich in variety and strategy.

Portals called Rifts in the game offer players the opportunity to move to different dimensions and worlds. This provides the opportunity to fight and explore different locations as the game progresses, providing an experience that is far from boring. You can also fight enemies and solve puzzles by equipping various equipment such as weapons and tools.

The story of the game is also quite interesting. Ratchet and Clank find themselves estranged from each other when Emperor Nefarious accidentally travels to different dimensions and separates them into parallel universes. By trying to unite these characters, players embark on new adventures to save the universe.

A Perfect Multiplayer Experience

Ratchet amp; Clank: Rift Apart also attracts attention with its online multiplayer mode. Players can join forces to complete challenging missions by working together while enjoying passages with their friends. This makes the game an even more exciting and fun experience.


Ratchet amp; Clank: Rift Apart offers players an incredible gaming experience using next-generation technologies. The visually stunning game combines with an action-packed story and engaging characters to deliver an adventure that never has a dull moment. It also offers an excellent experience where you can play with your friends with its multiplayer mode. A must-try game for PlayStation 5 owners.

Ratchet Clank: Rift Apart Review: A Next Generation Gaming Experience, A Unique Gaming Experience with New Weapons, Gadgets and Abilities: Ratchet Clank: Rift Apart, With Exceptional Graphics and Visual Effects, Ratchet Clank: Rift Apart, Ratchet Clank: Rift Apart: A World-Class Platformer Experience, A Great Return for Ratchet Clank Fans: Ratchet Clank: Rift Apart, An Original Story Rendered with New Generation Technologies: Ratchet Clank: Rift Apart