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History and Culture of Harran City

History and Culture of Harran City

Harran is a district of Şanlıurfa province, located in the Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey. Harran, which has a rich history both historically and culturally, is known as one of the oldest settlements in Mesopotamia. In this article, Harran's historical and cultural heritage will be discussed in detail.


The history of Harran dates back to B.C. It dates back to the 2000s. During this period, the Sumerians used the region as a settlement area and was under the influence of many civilizations. In the following years, many civilizations such as the Hittites, Assyrians, Persians, Roman Empire and Byzantine Empire dominated Harran.

Harran has witnessed many important events throughout history. The most important of these events is known as the birthplace of Prophet Abraham. It is believed that the Prophet Abraham lived with his father in Harran, and therefore Harran became an important religious center of the Prophet Abraham.

Harran also played an important role in Islamic history. Harran, the capital of the Abbasid Empire, became the center of Islamic culture and science during this period. Important developments in many fields such as mathematics, astronomy, medicine and philosophy took place in Harran.


Harran has been under the influence of different civilizations throughout history and therefore has a rich cultural heritage. Harran Culture was shaped by the combination of Mesopotamian and Islamic cultures. This culture is reflected in the traditions, handicrafts, music and cuisine of the people living in Harran.

Among Harran's traditional handicrafts, copper processing, carpet weaving, stonemasonry and leatherworking come to the fore. These handicrafts are a demonstration of the skills and crafts of the people of Harran. In addition, Harran carpets are world famous and exported to many countries.

Harran Music is also an important part of the culture. Harran Music, which carries the influences of Turkish, Arab and Kurdish music, represents a different style with its unique instruments and melodies. This type of music is often played at weddings, holidays and special events.

Harran cuisine is also a part of the cultural heritage of the region. Harran cuisine is a meat-based cuisine, with kebabs, pilafs, soups and desserts coming to the fore. In addition, Harran's famous lahmacun has also gained the appreciation of many tourists.

Historical places

Harran is famous for its historical and archaeological sites. These protected areas offer visitors the opportunity to touch the history of Harran. Some historical places to visit in Harran are listed below:

  • Harran Plain
  • Harran Mound
  • Camii'ul-Awliya
  • Grand Mosque
  • Castle


Historical Period Herrsian Civilization Hittites Assyrians Roman Empire History B.C. 2000s B.C. 1200-700 BC 900-600 AD 2nd century - 638

Harran City is one of the most important cities of Turkey with its historical and cultural heritage. It offers visitors an unforgettable experience with its rich historical past, impressive culture and historical sites. Visiting Harran is a great opportunity to discover Mesopotamia's deep-rooted history and rich culture.

The city of Harran, which has witnessed the deep-rooted history of the Middle East, is currently located in the province of Şanlıurfa in southeastern Turkey. Harran stands out with its thousands of years of history, fascinating archaeological sites and rich cultural heritage. In this article, we will talk about the history and culture of the city of Harran in detail.


Harran, dates back to B.C. It is an important settlement area dating back to the 2000s. Harran, one of the oldest cities of Mesopotamia, has hosted many great civilizations such as Assyria, Babylon, Rome and Byzantium. During this period, Harran played an important role as a center of science, culture and art.

One of Harran's most impressive archaeological sites is Göbekli Tepe. Göbekli Tepe is the oldest known temple complex in the world and dates back to B.C. It has a history dating back to the 9600s. This magnificent structure dates back to B.C. It is famous for its temples consisting of circular-shaped stone columns, thought to have been built in the 10th millennium. Göbekli Tepe hosts important archaeological findings that shed new light on human history.


The city of Harran has a multi-layered cultural heritage. Many different ethnic groups and religious beliefs live together in the city. This has made Harran a city rich with its cultural diversity.

While the majority of the people living in Harran are Arabs, Turks, Kurds and Assyrians also have a significant population. The people maintain a rich cultural heritage through cultural activities such as traditional handicrafts and folk music.

One of the most striking features of the city of Harran is the traditional mud brick houses that are still in use. These houses are made of brick and lime and have a characteristic appearance with conical roofs at the corners. In addition to these traditional houses, there are also many historical buildings such as mosques, madrassas and gates in Harran.

Place Date Göbekli Tepe B.C. 10th millennium Ulu Mosque 709 Harran Castle 8th century

The city of Harran is a prominent destination with its historical texture bearing the traces of various civilizations and its hospitable people. Archaeological sites and cultural events in the city offer visitors a unique experience.

Harran's historical and cultural riches should be kept alive by passing them on to future generations. Therefore, protecting the city's archaeological sites and cultural assets is of great importance. Harran is one of the important touristic and cultural centers of Turkey and hosts thousands of local and foreign tourists every year.

The city of Harran is a must-see destination for anyone who wants to travel to the past with its rich history. The city's archaeological sites, cultural events and unique atmosphere offer an unforgettable experience.

Hello and welcome! In this article, you will find detailed information about the historical city of Harran and traditional Harran houses in Şanlıurfa province of Turkey. The city of Harran is known as one of the oldest settlements in the Middle East and contains traces of many cultures. Now, let's start our journey to discover the historical and cultural features of Harran.

Harran City and Its Historical Background

Harran is one of the important cities of Ancient Mesopotamia and dates back to B.C. It has a deep-rooted history dating back to the 6th century. The city has witnessed the periods of the Assyrians, Babylonian Empire, Persians, Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire, Ayyubids and Ottoman Empire. Although there are different theories about the origin of the name Harran, it is generally accepted that it means "road junction" in the Assyrian language.

Harran has had a rich cultural history with the influence of many civilizations over time. The city also has great importance in fields such as science, philosophy, mathematics and astronomy. Harran University was an important center of knowledge in the Islamic and Christian worlds and educated many famous scientists.

Harran Houses and Architectural Features

The city of Harran is known for its traditional and unique architecture. Harran houses were built to provide both shelter and protection for the people living in this region. The houses were built in accordance with hot climatic conditions and made of natural materials.

  • Harran houses are generally built using earth blocks. These earthen blocks are made from a special material created with a mixture of local soil and mud. This material is ideal for keeping the interiors of homes cool and resistant to external factors.
  • One of the most striking features of Harran houses is their domed roofs. These roofs are usually covered with tiles and are specially designed to create a cool and comfortable environment in a hot climate.
  • The interiors of the houses usually have large courtyards. Courtyards are used as meeting and rest areas for family members. These courtyards are also an ideal place to take shelter from the heat around the house.

The architectural design of these traditional Harran houses has been preserved for centuries and is still preferred by local people. Houses have also gained popularity among modern structures and attract the attention of tourists.

Cultural Heritage of Harran City

The city of Harran also attracts attention with its rich cultural heritage. The people still living in the city maintain traditional values ​​such as traditional handicrafts, music, dance and festivals and pass them on to future generations. At the same time, local cuisine offers flavors worth discovering.


The city of Harran is an important destination in Turkey with its historical and cultural riches. Traditional Harran houses and unique architecture give the city a characteristic appearance. This fascinating city offers unforgettable memories to everyone who wants to go on a historical and cultural journey. Harran presents itself to visitors as a city that bears the traces of both the past and the future.

Harran University and Education System: History and Culture of Harran City

Harran University is one of Turkey's important educational institutions and reflects the history and culture of Harran City. This article will give more detailed information about the historical and cultural riches of the City of Harran.

Historical Riches

The City of Harran is one of the oldest settlements in Mesopotamia and its history dates back to before Christ. Many civilizations have reigned in the history of the city, and traces of these civilizations have survived to the present day.

  • First, the Sumerians established an important settlement near the City of Harran. The Sumerian civilization made many important developments, such as the invention of writing.
  • After the Hittites captured Harran, the city became an important trade center.
  • In the Middle Ages, the Islamic civilization dominated the City of Harran and the city made great developments in the fields of science, education and culture.

Historical artifacts and structures play an important role in telling the history of Harran. Among these structures is Harran University itself. The deep-rooted history of the university helps preserve the cultural heritage of the City of Harran and pass it on to younger generations.

Cultural Riches

Harran City is a place where various cultures live together and are influenced by each other. Therefore, the cultural riches in the city are quite diverse. Harran University organizes various events and festivals to reflect this cultural diversity.

  • Ethnic groups in Harran City include Arabs, Kurds, Turkmens and Gypsy communities. Each group has its own culture, clothing style, language and traditions.
  • Harran University organizes cultural events to promote these different cultures. For example, it hosts events such as fashion shows where traditional clothes are exhibited, festivals where local dishes are tasted, and traditional handicraft exhibitions.
  • In addition, the library of Harran University is a center where historical and cultural works are preserved. Students and academics can conduct research here and witness this rich cultural heritage more closely.

Harran University and Education System

Harran University is an institution that currently carries out education and research activities in many different disciplines. It offers a wide range of education thanks to its various faculties, institutes and vocational schools. The university has an academic staff consisting of nationally and internationally recognized scientists.

The education system is the cornerstone of Harran University and continuous efforts are being made to improve the quality of education of students. The university offers various opportunities to students with both theoretical and applied education programs.

Faculties Institutes Vocational Schools Faculty of Letters Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences Tourism and Hotel Management Vocational School Faculty of Arts and Sciences Institute of Social Sciences Medical Laboratory Techniques Vocational School of Medicine Institute of Life Sciences Culinary Vocational School

Harran University educates its graduates as well-equipped and responsible individuals. In this way, students have the opportunity to develop both professionally and personally.

Harran University and its education system reflect the historical and cultural heritage of Harran City. The university transfers this heritage to future generations by preserving historical riches and organizing cultural events. At the same time, it provides students with the opportunity to discover their potential by offering various educational opportunities. Harran University is an educational institution recognized both locally and internationally.

Harran is an ancient city located within the borders of Şanlıurfa province. This city, which has a deep history, has hosted a fascinating civilization under the influence of Islamic culture. In this article, the history and culture of the city of Harran will be discussed in detail.


The history of Harran dates back to B.C. It dates back to the 2000s. This city, first mentioned as "Harranu" in Sumerian texts, is one of the oldest settlements in Mesopotamia. From time to time, it came under the domination of various civilizations such as Hurrians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians and Romans. With the spread of Islam in the 7th century, Harran also came under the influence of the Islamic world.

Especially during the Umayyad period, Harran became an important center of Islamic sciences and culture. During this period, when various sciences such as astrology, mathematics, medicine and philosophy developed, Harran was known as a famous science and culture center. The city was also called "Beytu'l-hikme" (House of Wisdom) in Arabic and Syriac sources.


Harran is a fascinating city with both its historical texture and cultural riches. One of the most interesting features of Harran, shaped by the influence of Islamic culture, is its traditional houses and streets. Harran houses were built with traditional methods to protect from the sun and cool off. These houses are generally made of mud brick and have domed roofs. In addition, the streets are narrow and labyrinth-shaped and reflect the traditional life pattern.

Another important aspect of Harran's Islamic influence is the mosques and madrassas in the city. The Great Mosque of Harran, dating from the Umayyad period, is one of the oldest mosques in the city. These structures, which attract attention with their fascinating architecture and decorations, are important examples of Islamic art. There are also many madrasahs in Harran. These madrassas are important educational institutions where Islamic sciences are taught and scholars are trained.


Harran's Islamic culture still maintains its influence today. Islamic structures and traditions in the city offer visitors a rich cultural experience. In addition, Harran has an important place with its influence on Islamic sciences and the history of science. Studies in fields such as mathematics, medicine, astronomy and philosophy had a great impact on medieval Europe.

However, Harran's Islamic culture is not limited to just local influences. The city has also had a significant interaction with different regions of the Islamic world. This interaction has contributed to Harran's cultural richness and diversity. Archaeological excavations and finds made in the city also show that Harran carries traces of different cultures.

Effects of Islamic Culture History of Harran Traditional Houses and Streets Mosques and Madrasas Umayyad Era Adobe Buildings Science and Culture Center Spread of Islam Domed Roofs

To summarize, the city of Harran has a fascinating history and culture influenced by Islamic culture. This city, where Islamic sciences and culture develop, offers a fascinating atmosphere with its rich architectural structures, traditional houses and streets. At the same time, Harran's Islamic culture made significant contributions to the development of science and philosophy. For visitors, Harran offers a unique experience of the history and culture of the Islamic world.

Harran, a district of Şanlıurfa province, is a city that stands out with its historical and cultural riches. With a history dating back thousands of years, Harran is considered one of the oldest settlements in Mesopotamia. In this article, we will examine the historical heritage and cultural features of the city of Harran in detail.

Historical heritage

Harran is an important city that has hosted many civilizations throughout its history. Great civilizations, especially the Sumerians, Assyrians, Hittites, Hurrians, Babylonians, Persians, Romans and Arabs, influenced Harran. Therefore, there are many archaeological ruins in the city of Harran.

  • Harran Mound, discovered as a result of excavations, is one of the most important archaeological sites of the region. The layers of the mound shed light on a history extending from the 6th millennium BC to the present day.
  • Harran University, located in the city, was one of the first universities in the world, founded in the 7th century. The university operated as an important center in the field of education and science.
  • Harran City Walls is one of the structures under historical protection. The walls built in the Middle Ages have an impressive structure surrounding the city.
Location Date Description Harran Ulu Mosque 1224 The mosque, which belongs to the Seljuk period, stands out with its architectural beauty. Harran Gate, built in the 16th century during the Ottoman Empire, is the historical entrance point of the city. Harran Castle, built in the 8th century during the Abbasid period, was built to protect the city.

Cultural Features

Harran also attracts attention with its rich cultural heritage. This heritage is kept alive in the historical fabric of the city and with the traditions of the people.

  • Harran houses are known for their local architecture. The houses, which look like a domed and small hill from the outside, offer a spacious living space inside.
  • Traditional handicrafts in the city are also an important part of Harran culture. Many different handicrafts, especially rug weaving and coppersmithing, are kept alive in Harran.
  • Harran cuisine is a gastronomy center with its unique flavors and local tastes. Especially local dishes such as Stuffed Ribs and Küşleme leave unforgettable tastes on the palate of visitors.

Harran is a destination that stands out with its touristic appeal as well as its historical and cultural heritage. Many tourists feel the historical atmosphere by visiting Harran Houses and Harran Mound. In addition, the magnificent structure of Harran University and the magnificence of the Harran Gate also impress the visitors. Harran City Walls is also an important stop for history lovers.

The historical and cultural values ​​of the City of Harran continue to fascinate its visitors by building a bridge from past to present. It will be a great experience to visit this unique city and meet its historical heritage and cultural texture.

History and Culture of Harran City, Archaeological Sites of Harran City, Harran Houses and Architectural Features, Harran University and Education System, Islamic Culture and Effects of Harran City, Historical Heritage of Harran City