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Salt and Sanctuary: Guide and Tactics for Players

Salt and Sanctuary: Guide and Tactics for Players


Salt and Sanctuary is a game developed by Ska Studios that takes players on a challenging platform adventure. In this article, we will guide new players on how they can better understand and master the game. Our tactics and tips will help you succeed in the game!

1. Choose Your Class Carefully

When you start the game, it is important to choose your class because it will determine your play style. There are huge differences between different classes in the game and they offer different abilities and weapon types. It's important to determine which class best suits your playstyle.

2. Manage Your Stuff

Good item management is critical to surviving and defeating enemies. Check your belongings regularly and keep the necessary items with you. Keep health potions as well as materials you can use to improve your weapons and armor.

3. Track Enemies' Movements

Watch the enemies' movements carefully and try to predict their attacks. Each enemy has different attack patterns and learning these attacks will give you an advantage. You can block an enemy's attack or dodge.

4. Salter is Important

Salter is the main resource of the game and is used to learn new abilities and upgrade your weapons. It can be difficult to progress without having enough salters, so take care to collect salters. As you kill enemies and open chests in the areas you explore, you get more salter.

5. Explore Churches

Churches are important parts of the game and provide many advantages. You can learn new skills, upgrade your weapons, and earn canonization in churches. Besides this, you can also go to churches to rest, which will replenish your health and the salt you can use.

6. Collaborate

If you're having trouble with some sections or aren't sure you can defeat an enemy, you may want to consider cooperating. Salt and Sanctuary is a cooperative game and cooperating with another player can help you. By working together you can deal with stronger enemies.

7. Be Prepared for Death

Since Salt and Sanctuary is a challenging game, you may die often. That's why it's important to accept death and remember that every death is a learning experience. When you die, you drop "mere stacks", a mechanic that allows you to get back some of what you lost from your previous death. However, you have to go back to that point to get them back.


Salt and Sanctuary is a great game for players with a challenging platform adventure. The above guide and tactics will help you to progress and succeed in the game. Good luck and happy gaming!

Salt and Sanctuary: Guide and Tactics for Players - Equipment Selection and Upgrade Tips

Salt and Sanctuary is a 2D platform game in the style of the Souls series. Choosing and updating the right equipment is vital to survive the game and fight tough enemies. In this guide, we will provide tips that will help you be more successful in the game, focusing on equipment selection and upgrade tips.

Equipment Selection

Choosing the right equipment has a huge impact on increasing your character's power. There are different types of weapons, armor and accessories in the game. Each offers different abilities and power-ups. Here are some factors to consider when choosing equipment:

  • Weapons: Weapon selection depends on your character's combat style. You can try different types of weapons such as axes, swords and spears to find which one suits you best. You should also consider the different features and attack moves of the weapons.
  • Armors: Armors increase your character's defensive abilities. Heavy armor provides more durability, while light armor allows you to move faster. There are different types of armor in the game, it is important to try and find the best armor combination.
  • Accessories: Accessories increase your character's special abilities or power-ups. You can find the one that suits your character by trying different accessories such as necklaces and rings. Various accessory combinations are available depending on your needs.

Equipment Update

After choosing the right equipment, it is also important to update it. By improving your equipment, you can have the ability to deal more damage or provide more defense. Here are equipment upgrade tips:

  • Collect Required Parts: You need to collect the parts needed to improve your equipment. You can do this by collecting items dropped from enemies or by opening treasures found during your explorations.
  • Visit the Auction House: Salt and Sanctuary has an area called the auction house. In this area, you can buy or trade the equipment parts you need. The auction house is an important resource for completing missing parts or finding better equipment.
  • Use Umbra Crystals: Umbra crystals are a resource you can use to improve your equipment. To collect these crystals, you can search for items dropped from enemies or trade them. You can further strengthen your equipment by using it carefully.
  • Use Skill Points: Your character's skill points can be used for weapon and armor enhancements. You should spend your skill points directly by using the buttons in the skill tree of the item you want to strengthen. In this way, it is possible to create an even stronger character.


Salt and Sanctuary is a strategic game about choosing and updating equipment. Choosing the right weapons, armor and accessories allows you to make the best use of your character's abilities. It is also very important to collect the necessary equipment parts and update your equipment. By paying attention to these tips, you can be more successful in the game and deal with difficult enemies more easily.

Salt and Sanctuary is a platform game where you try to survive in a world full of challenging enemies. One of the most exciting and challenging parts of the game is the boss battles. These battles present challenging challenges where players must test their skills and make tactical decisions. In this article, we'll cover some strategies and tactics you can use to succeed in Salt and Sanctuary's boss battles.

1. Analyze Bosses Well

The first step to a successful boss battle is to analyze the boss's strengths and weaknesses. A good understanding of which attacks the boss will use and how, his armor and abilities will give you an advantage. If the boss is first weak to attack at the edge of the room, but then becomes strong when he moves into melee combat, you can adjust your tactics based on this information.

2. Improve Your Equipment and Abilities

Boss battles are generally based on the player's strength. Therefore, it is important to upgrade your equipment and abilities when fighting against bosses. Try to find equipment that offers higher health, attack damage or defense. Also, don't miss important power-ups in your skill tree. This way, you will be stronger in boss fights and your attacks will be more effective.

3. Use Healing and Consumables Properly

Health is limited in the game and avoiding taking damage in boss battles is crucial. Therefore, you must use your healing and consumable items correctly. Fully charge healing items before starting each battle and use them as needed. Additionally, using health regeneration potions and other consumables with proper timing will ensure your survival in the boss fight.

4. Watch the Enemy's Movements

Bosses usually follow a certain attack pattern. Therefore, you can gain an advantage in battle by monitoring the boss's attacks and predicting his movements. When you foresee a dangerous attack from the boss, it is important to make a plan to protect against or escape from this attack.

5. Adjust Your Strategy According to Your Enemy

Each boss has its own unique weaknesses and strengths. Some bosses may be strong in melee combat, while others may be more vulnerable to magical attacks. Therefore, when fighting the boss, it is important to adjust your strategy to target the boss's weaknesses. For example, if you are using spells and a boss is vulnerable to spells, you can gain advantage by using your spell attacks.

Boss battles in Salt and Sanctuary are challenging and exciting challenges. To be successful, it is important to analyze the bosses well, improve your equipment and abilities, use healing and consumables at the right time, monitor the enemy's movements and adjust your strategy according to the enemy. Using these strategies, you can maximize your skills to prevail in boss battles. We wish you good luck and success!

Salt Dagger is a weapon frequently used by players in the Salt and Sanctuary game. In this article, we will talk about how to use the Salt Dagger effectively and the guidance and tactics you need to succeed in the game.

What is Salt Dagger?

The Salt Dagger is an incendiary weapon and is often used in the game to explode walls or enemies. It can be combined with flammable or poisonous substances to increase the effectiveness of the Salt Dagger. Additionally, this weapon has a vampire trait that returns some of the damage it deals to enemies back to you.

How to Use Salt Dagger?

There are some important points to consider when using the Salt Dagger:

  • Settings and Skills: Before using the Salt Dagger, it is important to make the necessary checks in the game settings. Additionally, learning different skills that you can use with the Salt Dagger and being able to use them expertly will also give you an advantage.
  • Localization: Using the Salt Dagger in the game requires local fusion abilities. Therefore, it is important to use localization regularly to improve this ability and neutralize enemies.
  • Tactical Approach: A tactical approach is required to use the Salt Dagger properly. First, you must carefully observe your enemies and identify their weak points. You can then counterattack them by effectively using the Salt Dagger.
  • Damage Boosters: You can increase your damage by using flammable or poisonous substances that increase the effectiveness of the Salt Dagger. You can cause more damage to your enemies by using these items strategically.
  • Energy Management: Constantly using the Salt Dagger consumes energy. Therefore, it is important to manage your energy and make sure you have enough energy to respond. Avoid using the Salt Dagger unnecessarily to control your energy levels.

Secrets of Being Successful in the Game with Salt Dagger

To successfully complete the game with Salt Dagger, it is important to follow the tips below:

  • Training: You should train regularly to improve your ability to use the Salt Dagger. This provides the opportunity to perfect your movements and learn proper timing.
  • Tactical Planning: Instead of applying the same tactics to every enemy, analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the enemies and plan your strategy accordingly. In order to use the Salt Dagger effectively, you must develop a strategic approach.
  • Equipment Selection: In addition to the Salt Dagger, you should also choose your other equipment correctly. Learning the capabilities of different equipment in the game and being able to use these equipment effectively against enemies increases your chances of success.
  • Boss Battles: You must develop the strategy of using the Salt Dagger effectively in boss battles. Each boss has different attack and defense abilities, so you should plan your attacks accordingly.
  • Teamwork: Collaborating with other characters in the game increases your chances of success. You can neutralize enemies and strengthen your attacks by using your teammates' abilities.


Salt Dagger is a weapon that players can use effectively in the Salt and Sanctuary game. In this article, we have shared a detailed guide on how to use the Salt Dagger and important tactics for you to be successful. By using the Salt Dagger expertly, you can defeat the enemies and enjoy the game.

Salt and Sanctuary: Fight Using Shields and Swords - Guide and Tactics for Players

H2: Techniques and Strategies for Using Shields and Swords in War

Salt and Sanctuary is an action-role-playing game that offers players a unique experience with its chilling atmosphere and challenging enemies. To be successful in battle, it is important to apply the right tactics. In this guide, we will explore effective ways to fight using shields and swords.

H2: Advantages and Disadvantages of Using a Shield

Using a shield is one of the most effective ways to protect yourself from enemy attacks. The advantages of the shield are:
  • 1. Blocking Attacks: Shield can be used to block enemy attacks. Blocking attacks with proper timing can prevent you from taking serious damage.
  • 2. Knockback: Some shields have the ability to push enemies back. This allows you to control enemies in battle and deliver more attacks.
  • 3. Stamina Protection: Blocking using a shield reduces your stamina consumption. This gives you the opportunity to make more attacks.
As for the disadvantages of using a shield:
  • 1. Weight: Shields are generally heavy and reduce your character's mobility.
  • 2. Unblockable Attacks: Some enemies' attacks cannot be blocked with shields. In this case, it may make more sense to respond with quick moves and choose to dodge attacks rather than use your shield.

H2: Advantages and Disadvantages of Using a Sword

The sword is one of the most basic weapons in Salt and Sanctuary. The advantages of using a sword are:
  • 1. Flexible Attacks: Swords generally allow you to perform fast and flexible attacks. This provides quick reaction and maneuverability against enemies.
  • 2. Dealing High Damage: Some swords have high attack power and offer the potential to deal serious damage to enemies.
  • 3. Mobility: Using a sword helps you maintain more of your character's mobility. This gives you an advantage when dodging or attacking enemies.
As for the disadvantages of using a sword:
  • 1. Less Blocking Ability: Swords are less effective at blocking attacks than shields. Therefore, it is more important to avoid enemy attacks rather than block them with the right timing.
  • 2. Less Protection: When you use only a sword instead of a shield, enemy attacks can cause more damage. Therefore, it is important to be careful and analyze the enemy's attack movements well.

H2: Shield and Sword Combination

Using a shield and sword combination is quite popular in Salt and Sanctuary. It has several advantages:
  • 1. Strong Defense: The shield can be used to block enemy attacks, while the sword offers high attack power. With this combination you can have a strong defense and attack.
  • 2. Strategic Abilities: You can block the enemy's attacks while using a shield and then quickly attack with a sword. This can surprise enemies and allow you to take control of the battle.
  • 3. More Flexibility: The shield and sword combination preserves your character's mobility more and gives you the chance to try various strategies.
As a result, it is important to learn shield and sword wielding techniques and strategies to fight successfully in Salt and Sanctuary. You can block attacks by using your shield with the right timing, and you can inflict serious damage on enemies using your sword. However, you can achieve strong defense and strategic abilities with the combination of shield and sword. Apply these tactics to survive and succeed in the dangerous world of Salt and Sanctuary.

Salt and Sanctuary: Guide and Tactics for Players, Equipment Selection and Upgrade Tips, Strategies for Boss Battles, How to Use Salt Dagger, Fighting Tactics Using Sword and Shield